“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (2021-2023) research and innovation programme
under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 892163”

ancient byzantine ottoman mid-19th century
A large number of water collection and storage structures of various shapes, forms and dates have been investigated and recorded. They are built, rarely rock-cut, situated on the ground surface or subterranean, of rectangular, cylindrical, circular shapes, vaulted or flat-covered,
with a single or even three apartments, standing individual or clustered.



Channels and runnels
built, rock-hewn, and a
vertical conduit embedded at the wall

Mouths -in situ or re-used,
and wellheads
a byzantine sculpted fragment, probably an ancient one, and a venetian with trefoil ogive arches (?)

Roofing systems,
large unhewn slab-topped drystones
barrel-vaults and arches

A group of more than 30 cisterns of several types -and probably dates,
clustered in Pyrgos, Outer/messinian Mani
A group of vaulted samples and detail of a three-layered interior (hydraulic?) plaster